Layer2 Features

PumpX now supports Blast as its first Layer 2 chain.

Switch Network

Users can now switch to the Blast Network for purchasing and creating offers. The process for buying and creating offers on Blast remains essentially the same.

Managing Account

You can still manage your WETH balance and Allowance for the protocol for blast network after you switched to blast.

Buy Now Pay Later

Repay Loans/ Listing

  • Buyers can view all their loans across all networks under Repay Loans

  • To repay or settle a loan, buyers need to switch to the corresponding network.

  • Upon completing all remaining payments, the NFT will be transferred to the buyer's Layer 1(L1) address. Please switch your network back to L1 to verify the transfer in your wallet.

  • If you list your NFT on the market, the remaining balance (price - remaining loan amount - interest) will be transferred to your address on the L2 network.

  • The listing and repayment process follows the guidelines available at:

Create Offers

Manging Offers

  • Interest and repayments received will be entirely in L2; please check your account balance in the L2 network.

  • All your offers, both in L1 and L2, will be displayed under My Offers.

  • To manage your offers in L2, please switch to the appropriate network.

  • In the event of a default, the NFT will be transferred to your L1 network address. Please switch your network back to L1 in your wallet to check.

Last updated